Bertzeletos Dimitris | Nutrition
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1. Weight Control:
· Check your weight
· weigh yourself before breakfast, with light clothes 2-3 times/week
2. Eat RIGHT
· Eat Regular Meals Throughout the Day Starving yourself all day long so you can let loose later that evening will not work in your favor.
· Take at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables / day
· If you have a holiday dinner in the evening, follow your regular eating schedule .
In order to avoid overeating at dinner, you can eat balanced meals and small snacks throughout the day —>
High fibre,
lean protein
and healthy fats/oils
help keep your appetite inline.
· Your needs for water are bigger at summertime
· Drink 1 cup of water each 1,5 hour
· Drink 1-2 cups of water before your meal/snack
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4. Take Ownership of the Situation
· When bringing or making something for the party, bring a healthy option. Chances are everyone else will be glad you did!
· Fruit platters/salad, hard-boiled eggs stuffed with hummus (yolks removed), mini yogurt parfaits, date’n nut bites, or a box of oranges are just a few ways to remind you to stay on track.
5. Everything in Moderation – 80-20 Rule
Staying mindful over the holidays does not mean all or nothing. Follow the 80/20 rule. This means eat planned and on purpose healthy meals and snacks 80% of the time and enjoy holiday treats 20% of the time.
Do the 80/20 rule system !