The first Greek site in football training
Training session

During the training session the requisite conditions are created for achieving one or more objectives. Its contents and their order of execution depends on the level of the players, the period of execution and its goals.

Training session


In soccer usually is defined as the formation of a weekly plan (1 match a week) or a couple of days plan(2 matches a week), where there is the fitting of physical / technical / tactical/mental contents with particular sequence, considering the loads and recovery of the players body aiming at maximizing match performance.



In soccer usually is defined as the formation of a plan 3-6 weeks, where the fitting of physical / technical /tactical / mental contents with particular sequence considering the loads and recovery of the body are aimed at acquiring skills and maximizing performance at certain stages of the season.



At different preparation stages (summer / winter) of the teams the main goal is to improve performance. In recent years several teams are forced to devote less and less time with different theories been developed following their own philosophy.


In season

The main goal of the coaches is to maintain the physical/technical/tactical/mental performance of their players at high levels for the longer possible periods of time.

In season

Off season

Professional players should maintain fitness during off season to reduce the detraining effect, and working at the same time on past injuries and spotted weaknesses.

Off season