The first Greek site in football training

Leonidas Papadakis | Field evaluation

3.Aerobic capacity checking

Field evaluation »

Monitoring the skills of our players at regular base can be a very useful strategy for a team. The data collected daily is aimed at improving the performance of football players by developing personalized as well as group training plans as well as preventing unwanted side effects. Exhaustion situations or injury prevention can be avoided with simple but targeted content from the teams' coaching staff.

3.Aerobic capacity checking

Field evaluation »

One way to monitor the linearity of aerobic performance on the field is to perform sub-maximal tests and regularly update them to compare the data collected.

Running a sub-maximal YoYo test protocol can give you the data you need without interfering with the training process and without overloading your players.

In the figure below you can see the performance line of heart rate in the individual stages of a field test that I modified, created and performed on my teams from time to time to monitor the progress of players but also phenomena that deviate from overall performance.

3.Aerobic capacity checking

Field evaluation »

Heart rate is one of the most easily monitored parameters of all football teams. It is one of the indicators that reflect the intensity of the exercise, documented in hundreds of scientific articles that emphasize the importance of monitoring it during the training process.In my last publicated research in soccer, with the s11 team, I analyze the importance of watching it in preparation.

  • Leonidas Papadakis, Charis Tymvios, Konstantinos Patras (2019).

Association of internal training load with changes in aerobic endurance and strength/power variables in profesional soccer players during the pre season. Biology of exercise. Volume 15.1,2019.

Personally, I analyze dozens of training intensity and volume parameters daily along with training data in pursuit of the legitimate result of individual and overall improvement. Heart rate always plays an important part in my day-to-day work with the monitoring team I work with, partly recording the internal workload of the workout (alongside with other data) and driving me to create an easy and fast way of tracking one of the most important parameters of training proccess.