The first Greek site in football training
Constant Form

Technique »

The constant form of technical training refers to the repetition of motor skills without any change in its variables. Use them mainly in the early stages of skills training.

Soccer drills and practices related to learning motor skills.

Practicing technical skills with execution and with rhythmic exercises increase the level of difficulty of execution while increasing the soccer coordinative skills of the player.
Divide the players in pairs.

For each pair use a mannequin, a cone and a ball.

Place the cone 5 meters away from the mannequin.

Constant Form

Player A performs the exercise for 30 seconds moving around the dummy, while player B feedback by tossing the ball with his hands constantly.

1) Side skipping and pass the ball in the air with his lasses.

2) Side Steps and volley pass with the inside of the foot.

3) Side Steps, control with the chest and volley pass with the inside of the foot.

4) Side skipping, control the ball with the thigh and pass back with the lasses of the other foot.

5) Side steps and jump for header.

Change roles every 30 seconds.

Exercise intensity: 50-60% M.H.R.

Exercise duration: 5'.

Quantity of the exercise: 1-2 sets.

Stop:1'-2' per set

  • Using this kind of training is for learning a new motor skill at beginner level.
  • In advanced levels may be used as ''reminder'' of the athlete of motor skills or simply as a warm up with the ball before the main part of the session but without the ability of helping the athlete to improve his technique any further.
Constant Form
1.Training technique with stable variables

Distance coverage by driving the ball and controlling it is defined as one of the main skills in the field of football. Follow the exercise below to learn the skills of young players by giving them the right instructions or to perfect it.

We divide the group into 3 groups.

Each group performs exercise 1 with ball-driving and contact with the ball per stroke by controlling it fully and turning around a ring (clockwise with the inside and counter-clockwise with the outside of the foot alternately).

In exercise 2, the players handle the ball at an increased pace, and perform skew between the rods trying to fully control the ball while they are moving.

Exercise 3 is performed by using one or both legs during the drive between cones (place the cones at different distances as in the figure).

Constant Form

Each group of players performs the 3 exercises x 2 times and then have a passive 1-2 minute break. Returning them to the next exercise is in a slow pace.

Exercise intensity: 50-60% M.H.R.

Exercise duration: 5'.

Quantity of the exercise: 1-4 sets.

Stop:1'-2' per set

  • Using this kind of training is for learning a new motor skill at beginner level.
  • In advanced levels may be used as ''reminder'' of the athlete of motor skills or simply as a warm up with the ball before the main part of the session but without the ability of helping the athlete to improve his technique any further.
Constant Form
2.Training technique for ball dribbling