The first Greek site in football training

Christian Beguer Baigorri | Monitoring

8.How to control external load (GPS) Microcycle

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The evolution of elite sport exposes players to ever-higher training loads, crowded competition schedules and shorter rest periods. This causes teams to thrive on the latest technological and scientific advances in the field of sports and medicine in their quest to reduce the risk of injury without compromising performance.

Monitoring workload has become a cornerstone on which to plan and periodize workouts, optimize fitness, and avoid the risk of injury. Training Load is usually categorized as external or internal, respectively defined as the conditioned work performed by the athlete (example: total distance, number of accelerations) and the associated physiological response (example: subjective perception of effort, heart rate, lactate concentration).

In this case we refer to the external load, through GPS, through which we can observe the behavior of the different variables that are analyzed to control the Volume and Intensity of the session.

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The variables that we take into account are the following: Total Distance (T.D.), H.S.R., Acc-Decc, Nº Sprints, Peak velocity, H.M.L, Total Player Load,...

8.How to control external load (GPS) Microcycle

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Once the variables are obtained, we can analyze what % of Volume we have obtained with respect to the MD, what % of Intensity and thus we can observe by graph the trend that the load has had (Volume and Intensity) during the microcycle. In this graph we can see the Variables of Volume, Intensity and Total Player Load and the references as light, medium or intense.

8.How to control external load (GPS) Microcycle

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Another important aspect is the individual analysis of the players, what levels they have given during the micro cycle, and all this compared to the footballer's performance profile.

These values serve as a reference to adjust the training loads of the next day or the next micro cycle. In turn, it is important to activate the individual recovery or compensation protocols if any of the players has exceeded the established limits or is far below the stipulated work.

8.How to control external load (GPS) Microcycle

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To finish, it is important to know the conditional profile of each task, in which parameters it is located in terms of total distance, accelerations, and decelerations to be able to introduce said task according to the corresponding day of the week based on the structure of the competitive micro cycle.

8.How to control external load (GPS) Microcycle

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All these external load data, in addition to the internal load data (RPE, Wellness, ...) are necessary when rescheduling the training based on the level of fatigue of the footballers with the sole objective of reaching the day of competition. The most recovered possible and with an optimal level to be able to compete in the best possibilities.